Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships and Scholarships

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Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available in a variety of places across campus, from academic departments and research centers to administrative and service units. This type of appointment comprises the largest number of awards offered by the University.

Graduate Assistantships are generally offered by the SIU Graduate School as half-time FTE (50%), which is an average of 20 hours per week over the course of the appointment, or quarter-time FTE (25%) which is an average of 10 hours per week over the course of the appointment. However, there may be instances when an assistantship carries an FTE percentage somewhere between 25% and 50%. In such cases, the department is required to attach a memo justifying the reason for the specific FTE percentage and indicating the student’s work expectations, including the average hours to be worked per week. Two quarter-time assistantships may be held without special approval. There are three types of graduate assistantships offered: 1) Teaching Assistantships, 2) Research Assistantships, and 3) Administrative Assistantships. All graduate assistantships receive stipends and benefits such as a tuition scholarship and a 50% credit on the student health fee. For more information on these benefits, please see the “Stipends and Benefits” section in this guide.

Teaching Assistantships (TAs)

Teaching Assistants are expected to participate directly in the teaching of a course. They are to be assigned specific teaching support or related activities. TAs are expected to be a learning experience that attributes to the completion of degree requirements and helps the student prepare for a professional academic career.

Each academic department that employs TAs or RAs shall post the guidelines used for filling their vacant assistantship positions on their website.

All TAs must be appointed on an academic semester basis and must follow University Calendar Appointment Periods. The year(s) of the appointment should be filled in only on the “Academic Year Basis” space(s) on the student’s appointment form. Changes in an appointment’s start date may be allowed to accommodate for special circumstance of TAs hired after the beginning of a semester. The University Calendar Appointment Periods are as follows:

  • Spring 01/01/20xx to 05/15/20xx
  • Intersession 05/16/20xx to 06/15/20xx
  • Summer 06/16/20xx to 08/15/20xx
  • Fall 08/16/20xx to 12/31/20xx

All TAs (domestic and international) are required to submit a Certification of Oral English Proficiency. International TAs from countries where English is not their primary language must pass an exam demonstrating their proficiency in speaking English. The exam is given by a committee of three (3) which includes a representative from the employing department, a representative from the Center for English as a Second Language, and a representative from the Graduate School. The results of the oral exam will be a consensus of all committee members.

Research Assistantships (RAs)

Research Assistants are expected to participate in research as directed by the principal investigator of a research project. The appointment is primarily a learning experience in how to conduct research. RAs help the student prepare for an academic or non-academic career.

Each academic department that employs TAs or RAs shall post the guidelines used for filling their vacant assistantship positions on their website.

RAs may either be placed on an academic or fiscal semester basis. Information on the academic semester basis may be found in the preceding TA section. If an RA is appointed on a fiscal basis, both the appointment start date and end date should be filled in only on the “Fiscal Year Basis” spaces on the student’s appointment form. If possible, the start date should be on a Monday and the end date should be on a Friday. The dates on the fiscal year can vary slightly but should follow as closely as possible to the University Calendar Appointment Periods. Dates should be written on the provided line in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Administrative Assistantships

Administrative Assistants are expected to participate in the administration or service activities of the appointing unit. It is primarily a learning experience that helps the student prepare for a professional career by learning the functions of the office as well as educational management procedures. The appointment should not be made solely to provide routine student clerical support. Unlike TAs and RAs, tuition waivers stemming from an Administrative Assistantships are taxed. For more information on this tax, please visit:

Eligibility for Assistantship Appointment

Admitted to Degree Seeking Program

Only degree seeking students in good academic standing in a graduate program at SIU are eligible to hold an assistantship.

Graduate Credit Hour Minimum

During the fall and spring semesters, an assistant must be enrolled as a student for at least eight (8) graduate level hours (excluding 601 and audit hours) for the respective semester. During the summer, an assistant must be enrolled as a student for at least three (3) graduate level hours (excluding 601 and audit hours). Undergraduate credit hours do not count toward the graduate credit hour minimum unless the course is listed in the Graduate School Catalog. The assistant’s tuition scholarship may cover undergraduate credit hours only if taken in addition to the graduate credit hour minimum.

Months of Support

Generally, a student may receive no more than two calendar years of financial support (24 months) while at a Master's level unless granted an exception by the Graduate School. Generally, a student may receive no more than four calendar years of financial support (48 months) at a Doctoral level unless granted an exception by the Graduate School. For more information about this exception, please see the section entitled, “Exceptions”. Students admitted into a doctoral program by admission status direct entry are allowed 60 months of support. These time limits apply to assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, internships and other similar awards and appointments administered by SIU, regardless of source of funds. Time limits may vary by department or unit.

Re-Employment Notification

Departments must notify Graduate Assistants in writing of their decision to re-employ or not to re-employ for the following fall semester or Fall and Spring semesters consecutively by May 1. Notification for the following spring semester must be given by December 1.

Graduate Assistant Stipends and Benefits

Stipend and Student Health Fee Benefit

All assistants receive a monthly stipend and $180 credit for their Student Health Fee for the semester of the appointment (fall and spring only). The amount of the monthly stipend will depend on the academic level of the student (i.e. Master’s or Doctoral), the FTE (i.e. 25% or 50%), and the department in which the student is appointed. The stipend rates may be found at the end of the GA United Agreement.

Tuition Scholarship (Working Tuition Waiver)

Fall and Spring assistantship appointments receive a full tuition scholarship (waiver) if the appointment is for 75% of the semester (13 out of 17 weeks) and when the students are registered for a minimum of 8 graduate level credit hours. All assistants receive a full tuition scholarship. Tuition scholarships pay tuition only; students are required to pay all their fees for the number of credit hours they are registered for in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Summer assistantships receive a tuition scholarship, up to 9 hours, if the appointment is for 50% of the entire summer semester (6 out of the 12 weeks) and when the students are registered for a minimum of 3 graduate level credit hours. Summer scholarships pay for all summer classes (i.e. intercession, 6-week or 8-week courses). Tuition scholarships pay tuition only; students are required to pay all their fees for the number of credit hours they are registered for in the summer semesters.

Non-Working Tuition Scholarship (Non-Working Tuition Waiver)

Graduate assistants that have held a consecutive Fall and Spring contract for 75% of the semester (13 out of 17 weeks), automatically will receive a non-working tuition scholarship for the summer that covers a maximum of nine (9) credit hours. As this tuition scholarship is “non-working”, this scholarship does not include an appointment or stipend.

Graduate Assistant Dependent Out of State Tuition Waiver

A dependent (i.e. spouse and/or children) of an out-of-state Graduate Assistant may apply to have the out-of-state portion of tuition waived. This would allow the dependent to pay the in-state amount but does not waive the tuition entirely. For this waiver, dependents must contact the registration office in the Graduate School.

Leaves and Holidays

Paid Leave, Vacations and Holidays

Assistants on fiscal appointments are eligible for non-accruable paid leave and vacation based on a rate of one (1) workday per month (i.e., 25% FTE = 2-hour workday per month, 50% FTE = 4-hour workday per month). Holidays recognized by the University are not chargeable to vacation benefits. Assistants on academic appointments do not receive paid leave or vacations; they, however, receive the same vacation benefits as faculty appointments (i.e. university holidays and break periods). Vacation time does not accrue, and any unused vacation time shall not be compensated.

Sick Leave

Assistants on fiscal and academic appointments are eligible for non-accruable sick leave based on a rate of one (1) workday per month (i.e., 25% FTE = 2-hour workday per month, 50% FTE = 4-hour workday per month). Assistants unable to work because of illness or injury must promptly notify their department head or supervisor and are subject to University policies including documentation of the illness or injury from a physician or other acceptable sources.

GA Time Logs

Graduate Assistants are required to complete a time-worked log monthly.

Graduate students should complete and submit their GA Time Log ( pdf link), by the 5th of each month to the appropriate supervisor in their hiring unit.

Graduate Credit Hour Minimum

Doctoral students who have achieved candidacy prior to the beginning of the semester listed on their appointment, and master’s students who are in their last semester, are only required to register for six (6) graduate level credit hours. For Master’s students to receive this exception, either a copy of the student’s graduation application or a letter from their academic unit verifying that the student is in their last semester must be submitted to the Graduate School.

An assistant may also request to be permitted to register for only six (6) graduate level hours in either the Fall or the Spring semesters if classes are not available to the assistant that would satisfy degree requirements or otherwise advance the assistant’s education in their discipline. Requests for this exception shall be presented to the academic department’s Director of Graduate Studies or Chair. If the Director or Chair approves the request, they shall certify in writing there are no appropriate courses available and that they are recommending the approval of the request and forwarding the request to the Dean of the Graduate School for review. The Dean shall notify the Director or Chair of the decision.

Student Employment

To request an exception to allow a graduate assistant holding a 25% appointment to also hold a student employment position, the student employment-hiring department must write a letter requesting an exception for the student. A second letter from the student’s academic department must also be written, stating that the student employment hours will not interfere with the student’s academic responsibilities.

If the exception is granted, GAs with a 25% appointment will be allowed to work up to a maximum of ten (10) hours of student employment. Requests for an exception to allow a graduate assistant with a 50% appointment to also hold a student work position will not be granted.

Dissertation Research Assistantships

Dissertation Research Assistantships are academic awards designed for students who are in the dissertation preparation stage of their graduate education. Students should be able to complete the dissertation during the period of the award. Eligibility for the Dissertation
Research Assistantship Award is based on:

  1. An overall graduate grade point average of at least 3.25 (No minimum undergraduate grade point average is required).
  2. The student must have prepared a dissertation proposal with tentative or final approval by at least the chairperson of the dissertation committee.
  3. The student must be admitted to candidacy at the time of nomination (Note, the candidacy must be on file with the Graduate School Records office).
  4. The student must not have more than four calendar years of financial support as a Doctoral student, including this award for which the student is being nominated, unless granted an exception by the Graduate School (Note: Support limits vary among academic departments).
  5. Students who have held or currently hold a Dissertation Research Assistantship are ineligible for the current competition. Doctoral students are limited to two years of
    support of any combination of Doctoral fellowship or Dissertation Research Award (Note: The Morris Doctoral Fellows may be nominated for the Dissertation Research Assistantship Award but not for the Doctoral Fellowship).
  6. The student cannot hold any other paid position within the university.
  7. Recipient agrees to remain in the Carbondale area (except where the unique nature of the research study or availability of appropriate supervision as recommended by the department is determined and special approval to be away from campus is granted by the Graduate School).

Students holding Dissertation Research Assistantship Awards must have a research service requirement, with specific duties assigned by the chairperson of the department. A student should be enrolled for six dissertation hours during the term of the award (normal maximum is twelve semester hours per semester). A student will be expected to resign the award at the time the dissertation is submitted to the Graduate School, if this occurs prior to three weeks before the end of the period of the award.

Students cannot apply for the award on their own; the academic department must nominate them. Interested students should contact their academic department for information on how to be nominated. For more information and the application materials, please visit:



A limited number of scholarships are awarded each semester to graduate students. The Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships and Scholarships Office oversee the following two scholarships: 1) Tuition Waiver Scholarship and 2) Graduate Scholarship Program.

Tuition Waiver Scholarship (TWS)

The purpose of the SIU Graduate School Tuition Waiver Scholarship as designated by the Board of Trustees is to assist students who have attained high levels of academic achievement. This scholarship is a scholastic award. The number of Tuition Waiver Scholarships allocated to each college at SIU will depend on the percentage of Graduate School enrollment they contribute. After the number of scholarships per college is calculated, current GPA in program of study (if two semesters within the program have been completed) will be the determining factor for who receives the award. Otherwise, the decision will be based on GPA from most recent previous degree program. The award is for remission of tuition only; the student must pay fees. The award provides a full tuition scholarship and a tuition scholarship for up to nine (9) hours in the summer. This scholarship award will be posted to the student’s account.

For more information on the Tuition Waiver Scholarship, please visit:

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, the student must be an active student, admitted to the Graduate School, be in good academic standing in a graduate program at SIU, and the student may not hold another University appointment, which provides a tuition waiver scholarship (i.e. graduate assistantship, fellowship). Eligible applicants must also have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants need at least two full semesters of grades on their official or unofficial current transcript, or the GPA will be based on the previous degree. Tuition waiver scholarship recipients must enroll for a minimum of nine (9) graduate credit hours for fall and spring semesters or three (3) graduate credit hours in summer. Students may receive a tuition waiver scholarship for a maximum of 3 semesters during their enrollment in the University. Applicants must reapply each semester. *Note: Please check with the program for eligibility BEFORE applying. 

Application Procedure

Domestic students should apply by visiting this link: International students should contact the Center for International Education about applying for this scholarship. A limited number of tuition waiver scholarships are available to international students who have completed at least one full year at SIU. These awards are granted on a competitive basis, and the limited number means that many qualified students are unable to secure them. Applications are generally available at the end of each spring semester at the Center for International Education, 425 Clock Tower Drive, Woody Hall.

D eadlines

  • Fall Semester - July 15
  • Spring Semester - November 15
  • Summer Session - April 15

Graduate Scholarship Program (GSP)

The purpose of the Graduate Scholarship Program (GSP) is to provide a 1/3 tuition waiver to academically outstanding graduate students who have been admitted into their first semester of a graduate program for the remainder of that academic year . A student awarded the GSP receives the scholarship for the academic year in which they are admitted, application, however, must be completed and submitted each semester of the awarded academic year. The academic department based on outstanding academic performance must select the student.

The GSP provides a tuition waiver for 1/3 of the student's credit hours in the first year. For the Fall or Spring Semester, if the student is registered for:

  • 9-11 graduate credit hours, they will receive a 3-hour scholarship
  • 12-14 graduate credit hours, they will receive a 4-hour scholarship
  • 15+ graduate credit hours, they will receive a 5-hour scholarship

    For the Summer Semester, if the student is registered for

  • 6+ graduate credit hours, they will receive a 3-hour scholarship

This scholarship award will be posted to the student’s account. For more information on the GSP, please visit:

Eligibility Criteria

Graduate students who have been admitted into their first semester of a graduate program are eligible for the GSP. Recipients must be enrolled for a minimum of nine graduate credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters, and six graduate credit hours for summer semester. If the student is already receiving payment of tuition from another source, they are not eligible. *Note: Please check with the program for eligibility BEFORE applying.

Application Procedure

To apply please visit:

The application must be completed and signed by the student’s academic department. The student must sign the Draft Registration Compliance Statement on the application. If a student is awarded the GSP, an application must be completed and submitted each semester of the awarded academic year.

D eadlines

  • Fall Semester – August 25
  • Spring Semester – January 5
  • Summer Session – May 1

Willis Swartz Graduate Student Scholarship Award

This fund is established to honor the work of Dr. Willis Swartz. The award selection committee of the Graduate School will make the selection of the recipient of the Willis Swartz Graduate Student Award. Award letters for the Willis Swartz Graduate Student Award shall carry the name of the honoree of this award in such a manner that the recipient(s) will understand the source of the funds awarded. At least one award each year will be given to a student conducting, or projecting to conduct, research in materials technology, if such a student is in the applicant pool for this award and meets the other criteria. The Willis Swartz Graduate Student Award will be open to all applicants with the following qualifications, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or veteran status:

Scholarship provisions

  1. Departments may nominate two students for this award by submitting a complete application packet that should include: application, student’s biographical statement of graduate research interest, and copies of all transcripts.
  2. The Award Selection Committee will select two incoming, international graduate students to receive a $1,000 scholarship (this amount subject to change each year). At least one award each year will be given to a student conducting, or projecting to conduct, research in materials technology, if such a student is in the applicant pool for this award and meets the other criteria.

Selection Criteria

Preference will be given to the following:

  1. International students
  2. Incoming students
  3. Graduate students interested in conducting research in Materials Technology including science, engineering, and other areas.

Other Criteria

  1. Must be admitted to a graduate degree program on campus.
  2. Must be a full-time graduate student.

Application (Deadline – August 31)

Departments are encouraged to nominate students for this award by submitting a complete application packet that should include: (1) application, (2) student’s biographical statement of graduate research interest, and (3) copies of all transcripts. The recipient will be notified via email from the Graduate School if selected.

To apply, please visit:

Send one electronic copy of the completed application packet via email to.
Donna Bennett,
Re: Graduate School Award Selection Committee



A limited number of fellowships are awarded each year to scholastically exceptional graduate students. The Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships and Scholarships Office oversee the following five fellowships: 1) Master’s Fellowship, 2) Doctoral Fellowship and 3) Delyte and Dorothy Morris Fellowship, 4) PROMPT Assistantship, and 5) Graduate Dean’s Fellowship.

Master’s Fellowship

The Master's Fellowship is a one-time award at the master's degree level that is designed for those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines. The Fellowship will be awarded for three semesters:  Fall, Spring and Summer for a total of eleven (11) months. The Master's Fellowship pays a monthly stipend (excluding summer Intersession May 16 thru June 15) and provides a full tuition scholarship for Fall, Spring and up to nine (9) hours in the Summer.

Fellowship recipients will be assigned a ten-hour per week research assignment that will provide professional development opportunities for the student and be of value to the department. The research assignment will be consistent with the student’s educational objectives. The Department Chair will determine the research assignment and monitor the student’s progress. Fellowship recipients may not accept employment inside or outside of the University. Fellowship recipients are required to register for a minimum of nine (9) graduate credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters and three (3) graduate credit hours from Summer. Please note that 601 or audit courses do not count toward the registration requirements for fellows.

For more information on the Master’s Fellowship, please visit:


Although a student who has not yet completed all steps in the application process to the Graduate School and the Department may be nominated, there must be enough documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, required) to ensure that the student is fully admissible and fully qualified. The nominee must meet the following eligibility criteria.

  • An overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.40 (A=4); or
  • An undergraduate grade point average for the last two years of at least 3.50 (A=4); or
  • A score at or above the 75th percentile on a standardized test such as the GRE, MAT, or GMAT (copy must be attached).

*At least one standardized test score is required for nomination and must be submitted as part of the nomination packet regardless of eligibility criteria met.

Students may only receive the Master’s Fellowship once. A master’s student cannot receive more than two calendar years (24 months) of financial support of all types (support limits may vary across departments) unless granted an exception by the Graduate School.

Criteria for Awarding Fellowship

Master’s level awards will be offered to those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an interdisciplinary evaluation panel. It is expected that both undergraduate and graduate grade point averages will be high, and, the nominee’s graduate work will have been of very high caliber, if applicable. The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

  1. The assessment by the department of the nominee’s abilities and achievements including honors and publications
  2. Overall undergraduate and graduate grade point averages
  3. Strength of letters of recommendation
  4. Personal statement of the student
  5. Standardized Test scores (required)

Application/Nomination Procedure

Students are not to submit their Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School on their own. Their department must nominate them, and the department is responsible for the submission of Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School. The Fellowship nomination packet should be submitted by the department via email (in pdf format) to A ND in hard copy to the Assistantship/Fellowship office by the deadline date. Departments submitting multiple nomination packets should create a pdf file for each individual nomination packet (i.e. one pdf per student). Crystal Harris ( must receive the pdf no later than 4 P.M. on the due date. No exceptions or extensions will be granted. Pdf copies may be made simply by scanning the entire application file through most Xerox machines. Departments who are unable to do the conversion may visit either their Dean’s office or the Center for Teaching Excellence for assistance.

Only nominees whose nomination materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed nomination dossier will include the following in the order listed below. Each of the below documents is required including the Standardized Test Score.

  1. Fellowship Packet Checklist
  2. Application for Fellowship Award
  3. Personal Statement
  4. Curriculum Vitae
  5. Departmental Fellowships Nomination Form
  6. Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
  7. Official Transcripts
  8. Standardized Test Score

Doctoral Fellowship

The Doctoral Fellowship is designed for those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines at the doctoral level. Fellowships will be awarded for three semesters, Fall, Spring, and Summer, for a total of eleven (11) months. The Doctoral Fellowship pays a monthly stipend (excluding Summer Intersession May 16 thru June 15) and provides a full tuition scholarship for Fall, Spring, and up to nine (9) hours in the Summer.

Fellowship recipients will be assigned a ten-hour per week research assignment that will provide professional development opportunities for the student and be of value to the department. The research assignment will be consistent with the student’s educational objectives. The Department Chair will determine the research assignment and monitor the student’s progress. Fellowship recipients may not accept employment inside or outside of the University. Fellowship recipients are required to register for a minimum of nine (9) graduate credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters and three (3) graduate credit hours from Summer. Please note 601 or audit courses do not count toward the registration requirements for fellows.

For more information on the Doctoral Fellowship, please visit:


Although a student who has not yet completed all steps in the application process to the Graduate School and the Department may be nominated, there must be enough documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, required) to ensure that the student is fully admissible and fully qualified. The nominee must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • An overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 (A=4) or a grade point average for the last two years of work in the bachelor’s degree of 3.5 (A=4); and
  • An overall graduate grade point average of at least 70 (A=4); or
  • A score at or above the 75th percentile on a standardized test such as the GRE, MAT, or GMAT (copy must be attached).

*At least one standardized test score is required for nomination and must be submitted as part of the nomination packet regardless of eligibility criteria met.

Doctoral students who have previously held a Doctoral-level Fellowship are eligible to be nominated for another year of Fellowship support. However, doctoral students are limited to two years of support of any combination of Doctoral Fellowship or Dissertation Research Assistantship (Morris Fellows are ineligible to apply for a Doctoral Fellowship Award). Doctoral students cannot receive more than four calendar years (48 months) of financial support of all types (support limits may vary across departments) unless granted an exception by the Graduate School.

Criteria for Awarding Fellowship

Doctoral Fellowship awards will be offered to those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an interdisciplinary evaluation panel. It is expected that both undergraduate and graduate grade point averages will be high and, that the nominee’s graduate work will have been of very high caliber. The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

The assessment by the department of the nominee’s abilities and achievements including honors and publications

  1. Overall undergraduate and graduate grade point averages
  2. Strength of letters of recommendation
  3. Personal statement of the student
  4. Standardized Test scores (required)

Application/Nomination Procedure

Students are not to submit their Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School on their own. Their department must nominate them, and the department is responsible for the submission of the Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School. The Fellowship nomination packet should be submitted by the department via email (in pdf format) to AND in hard copy to the Assistantship/Fellowship office by the deadline date. Departments submitting multiple nomination packets should create a PDF file for each individual nomination packet (i.e. one pdf per student). Crystal Harris ( must receive the pdf no later than 4 P.M. on the due date. No exceptions or extensions will be granted. PDF copies may be made simply by scanning the entire application file through most Xerox machines. Departments who are unable to do the conversion may either visit their Dean’s office or the Center for Teaching Excellence for assistance.

Only nominees whose nomination materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed nomination dossier will include the following in the order listed below. Each of the below documents are required including the Standardized Test Score.

  • Fellowship Packet Checklist
  • Application for Fellowship Award
  • Personal Statement
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Departmental Fellowships Nomination Form
  • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
  • Official Transcripts
  • Standardized Test Score

The Delyte and Dorothy Morris Fellowship (Morris Doctoral)

The primary purpose of the Delyte and Dorothy Morris Doctoral (Morris Doctoral) Fellowship is the recruitment and support of new doctoral students of the highest quality. Thus, the fellowship program is not intended for students who are already enrolled in doctoral programs at SIU, although such students continue to be eligible for the regular doctoral fellowship program. 

The Morris Doctoral Fellowship is a five-year financial support package. The Graduate School provides a 12-month 50% research Fellowship award for the first three years, and the department provides a 12-month 50% graduate assistantship for the last two years. The Morris Fellowship pays a monthly stipend amount that is above the Doctoral Fellowship stipend rate, with an annual $1,000 book/travel allowance for the first three years. A full tuition scholarship will be awarded for Fall, Spring and Summer semesters for the term of the award.

Fellowship recipients will be assigned a ten-hour per week research assignment that will provide professional development opportunities for the student and be of value to the department. The research assignment will be consistent with the student’s educational objectives. The Department Chair will determine the research assignment and monitor the student’s progress. Fellowship recipients may not accept employment inside or outside of the University. Fellowship recipients are required to register for a minimum of nine (9) graduate credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters and three (3) graduate credit hours from Summer. Please note that 601 or audit courses do not count toward the registration requirement for fellows.

For more information on the Morris Fellowship, please visit:


Although a student who has not yet completed all steps in the application process to the Graduate School and the Department may be nominated, there must be enough documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, required) to ensure that the student is fully admissible and fully qualified. The nominee must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • An overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.25 (A=4) or a grade point average for the last two years of work in the bachelor’s degree of 3.5 (A=4); and
  • If prior graduate study has been undertaken, an overall graduate grade point average of at least 3.70 (A=4); and
  • A score at or above the 75th percentile on a standardized test such as the GRE, MAT, or GMAT (copy must be attached).
  • May not already be enrolled in a doctoral program and may have no previous enrollments at
  • Must be US citizen or permanent resident of the US

*At least one standardized test score is required for nomination and must be submitted as part of the nomination packet regardless of eligibility criteria met.

Students with bachelor’s and master’s degrees are both eligible if the doctoral degree granting department which nominates the student certifies that the student is a doctoral-track student in the department. What this means is that if the nominating department certifies that the student, although officially admitted to a master’s program, is indeed a doctoral-track student, the department may nominate such a student for a Morris Doctoral Fellowship.

Criteria for Awarding Fellowship

Morris Fellowship awards will be offered to those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an interdisciplinary evaluation panel. It is expected that both undergraduate and graduate grade point averages will be high, and, that the nominee’s graduate work will have been of very high caliber. Preference will be given to those who have not previously enrolled in a graduate program (direct post baccalaureate entry). The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

The assessment by the department of the nominee’s abilities and achievements including honors and publications

  • Overall undergraduate and graduate grade point averages
  • Strength of letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement of the student
  • Standardized Test scores (required)

Application/Nomination Procedure

Students are not to submit their Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School on their own. Their department must nominate them, and the department is responsible for the submission of the Fellowship nomination packet to the Graduate School. The Fellowship nomination packet should be submitted by the department via email (in pdf format) to AND in hard copy to the Assistantship/Fellowship office by the deadline date. Departments submitting multiple nomination packets should create a pdf file for each individual nomination packet (i.e. one pdf per student). Crystal Harris ( must receive the pdf no later than 4 P.M. on the due date. No exceptions or extensions will be granted. Pdf copies may be made simply by scanning the entire application file through most Xerox machines. Departments who are unable to do the conversion may visit either their Dean’s office or the Center for Teaching Excellence for assistance.

Only nominees whose nomination materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed nomination dossier will include the following in the order listed below. Each of the below documents is required including the Standardized Test Score.

  • Fellowship Packet Checklist
  • Application for Fellowship Award
  • Personal Statement
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Departmental Fellowships Nomination Form
  • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
  • Official Transcripts
  • Standardized Test Score

Departments nominating the same students for both the Morris Fellowship and the Doctoral Fellowship should prepare separate nomination dossiers and rank order nominees independently within each competition.

PROMPT Assistantship

The PROMPT Program (Proactive Recruitment of Multicultural Professionals for Tomorrow) is an initiative developed by the Graduate School of Southern Illinois University (SIU) to increase the number of individuals receiving advanced degrees in the United States from families which have traditionally not had access to the opportunities of higher education and who, through their life and/or cultural experiences, have unique and potentially positive contributions to make to the program, the discipline, and in the larger academic community. The Graduate School, in alliance with participating academic departments, will provide financial assistance packages to competitive, admissible students to pursue advanced study at SIU Carbondale.

When awarded, the Graduate School will enter into a “shared” arrangement wherein the half-time assistantship of one new student is supported by both the Graduate School and the department for two consecutive years.

The PROMPT Assistantship is a two-year, half-time assistantship for new students who have been unconditionally admitted to either a master’s or doctoral degree program.

Note: The PROMPT Assistantship is considered a recruitment tool, and will not be awarded to continuing students. Students who have previously held a PROMPT Assistantship are not eligible for this award.

Stipends and Tenure of Award

PROMPT recipients will receive a nine-month assistantship appointment for Fall and Spring for up to a maximum of two years. The monthly stipend for the recipients of the PROMPT Assistantship will be based on the current departmental graduate assistantship rate. This assistantship provides a tuition scholarship for fall, spring, and summer. Recipients are responsible for fees. Recipients will start their assistantship in the fall semester.

Students holding PROMPT Assistantship appointments will be required to commit twenty (20) hours per week to teaching, research, or clinical activities that will be assigned and supervised by the recipient’s academic department. During special recruitment and graduate enhancement events held at SIU, the Graduate School will solicit the assistance of the PROMPT recipients to participate in seminars and orientation programs. Depending on their academic course work, they may also be asked to return to their home campus for recruitment purposes. PROMPT recipients must remain in the Carbondale area as fulfillment of their award except with permission by the Graduate Dean or his/her designee. PROMPT recipients must enroll as full-time students (a minimum of eight graduate credit hours for fall and spring, and optional summer enrollment of three graduate credit hours). A minimum grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained each term.


Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • A new incoming student who has been unconditionally admitted to either a master’s or doctoral degree program.
  • An earned degree(s) from an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (scale 4.0 = A) on approximately the last 60 hours of undergraduate work (or the last 45 hours if the student has not graduated), and, when appropriate, a graduate grade point average of 3.25.
  • A member of a traditionally underrepresented group.
  • A U.S. Citizen.

Criteria for Awarding PROMPT Assistantship

PROMPT awards will be offered to those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an evaluation panel. The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

  1. The assessment by the department of the nominee’s abilities, achievements, and promise for success in Graduate School.
  2. Overall undergraduate and graduate grade point averages. Scores on standard tests such as GRE, MAT or GMAT will be considered as appropriate.
  3. Strength of letters of recommendation from persons who are familiar with nominee’s academic record and who are qualified to judge his/her promise for success in the program.
  4. Academic indicators of potential, other than, grade point average or test scores, such as honors, publications, and awards.
  5. Department’s commitment to participate in the shared assistantship.

For more information on the PROMPT Assistantship, please visit:

Submission Process

The PROMPT Assistantship nomination packet should be submitted via email (in .pdf format) to AND in hard copy to the Assistantship/Fellowship office by the deadline date above. Packets received after the above deadline will be considered ineligible. Departments submitting multiple nomination packets should create a .pdf file for each individual nomination packet.

Required Application/Nomination Materials for the PROMPT Assistantship

The nomination materials are routed among members of an evaluation committee; therefore, each set of materials for each student should be complete in and of itself. Only nominees whose nomination materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed nomination dossier will include the following in the order listed below:

    1. Completed by the Department.
    1. Completed by the student or by the Department; please check to make sure data is up‑to‑date.
    2. Department completes section “For Department Signature”:
      1. Indicate the specific award for which the student is being nominated.
      2. Provide signature of Department Chair or Director of Graduate Studies, date, and name of department making the nomination.
      3. Students cannot apply on their own. They must submit all documents to the department for nomination.
    1. Completed by the student.
    2. Two-page (maximum) award essay that must describe how the student’s personal or family background, life, cultural, and/or ethnic experiences could contribute to a more reflective, responsive environment in the program, the discipline, and in the larger academic community.
    1. Completed by the student.
    2. Three-page (maximum) personal statement indicating personal experiences, educational goals, and professional interests and how these items can contribute to a more reflective, responsive environment in the program, the discipline, and the larger university community. The statement should also address academic qualifications in regards to academic excellence which should include, but not be limited to the following: academics achievements, honors, awards, publications, and extracurricular activities.
    1. Completed by the student.
    1. Completed by the Department.
    2. Graduate Degree and GPA, if any.
    3. GRE/MAT/GMAT results (at least one test score is required).
    4. Departmental Ranking. The rankings of the nominee relative to all other PROMPT Assistantship nominees from the department. For example, a department might submit 5 PROMPT Assistantship nominees. In this case, it would state for each nominee that he or she was ‘1 of 5’ or ‘2 of 5’, etc.
    5. Define the reasons this student is being nominated and the basis for the department’s ranking. Include such factors as the academic quality of the program from which the student received his or her degrees, and information concerning any special accomplishments, which qualify him or her for a master’s‑level award. Also include any information supporting the student’s commitment to advanced study and a summary of any experience since being awarded the bachelor’s degree. PLEASE TYPE .
    1. These should be from persons who are familiar with the nominee’s academic record and who are qualified to judge his or her promise for success in graduate studies. These letters may be copies of those already received in the department in support of the nominee’s application for admission to the program; however, it may be preferable to have new letters specifically written to support the PROMPT Assistantship nomination.

    These letters should refer to one or more of the following characteristics/skills: communication, creativity, explanation (a reason or cause for some phenomena or finding), motivation, planning, professionalism, and synthesis (those skills that facilitate the development of an expert domain of knowledge structures). The letters should accompany the nomination; they should not be sent separately to the Graduate School.

    1. Please attach AT LEAST ONE copy of official standardized test score.
      1. Acceptable standardized tests are: GRE, MAT, or GMAT.
      2. A missing standardized test score will result in automatic rejection of PROMPT Assistantship application.
    1. Please attach copies of official transcripts for ALL degree granting institutions.
      1. Transcripts from SIU can be unofficial.
      2. A missing transcript will result in automatic rejection of PROMPT Assistantship application.


Graduate Dean’s Fellowship

The Graduate Dean’s Fellowship (GDF) is designed for individuals from underrepresented groups who have overcome social, cultural, or economic conditions. Awards will be given to students who are qualified by the usual indicators of promise for success in graduate study.

When awarded, the Graduate School will enter into an arrangement with participating departments to provide a student with funding for two consecutive years. During year one, the Graduate School will fund the award for eleven (11) months as a fellowship. During year two, the academic department will fund the award as an assistantship appointment for nine (9) months.

The Graduate Dean’s Fellowship is a two-year award for new and continuing students who have been unconditionally admitted to either a master’s or doctoral degree program.

Note:  The Graduate Dean’s Fellowship is considered as a recruitment/retention tool, and it is not to be given to students who are in the final stages of their degree. Students who have previously held a GDF are not eligible for this award.

Stipends and Tenure of Award

In year one, the Graduate School will fund the award for eleven (11) months as a fellowship. During this appointment, the recipient is awarded a monthly stipend at the current Graduate School’s graduate assistant rate for fall, spring, and summer. The recipient will be assigned a 10-hour per week research assignment that will provide professional development opportunities for the student and be of value to the academic department. The research assignment will be consistent with the student’s educational objectives and training. The Department Chair will determine the training module and monitor the student’s progress. The recipient must enroll for a minimum of nine (9) graduate credit hours for Fall and Spring and three (3) for Summer.

In year two, the academic department will fund the award for nine (9) months as an assistantship. During this appointment, the recipient is awarded a monthly stipend based on the current academic department’s graduate assistant rate for fall and spring. In year two, the recipient will be assigned 20 hours per week during fall and spring semesters in teaching or research activities that will be assigned and supervised by the academic department. The recipient must enroll for a minimum of eight (8) graduate credit hours for fall and spring semesters, and optional summer enrollment of three (3) graduate credit hours. A tuition scholarship will be awarded for fall, spring, and summer for both years. Recipients are responsible for all fees. Recipients will start their fellowship in the fall semester.

Recipients are not permitted to accept employment inside or outside of the University.

During special recruitment and graduate enhancement events held at SIU Carbondale, the Graduate School will solicit the assistance of the Graduate Dean’s Fellows to participate in seminars and orientation programs.

For more information on the Graduate Dean’s Fellowship, please visit. .


Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • A new or continuing student who has been unconditionally admitted to either a master’s or doctoral degree program.
  • An earned degree(s) from an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (scale 4.0 = A) on approximately the last 60 hours of undergraduate work (or the last 45 hours if the student has not graduated), and, when appropriate, a graduate grade point average of 3.25.
  • A member of a traditionally underserved group (as outlined by IBHE).
  • A citizen or permanent resident/immigrant of the United States.

  Criteria for Awarding Graduate Dean’s Fellowship

Graduate Dean’s awards will be offered to those nominees who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an evaluation panel. The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

  1. The assessment by the department of the nominee’s abilities, achievements, and promise for success in Graduate School.
  2. Overall undergraduate and graduate grade point averages. Scores on standard tests such as GRE, MAT, or GMAT will be considered as appropriate.
  3. Strength of letters of recommendation from persons who are familiar with nominee’s academic record and who are qualified to judge his/her promise for success in the program.
  4. Academic indicators of potential, other than grade point average or test scores, such as honors, publications, and awards.
  5. Department’s commitment to provide a half-time assistantship appointment to the academically successful applicant in his/her second year of graduate study.

Submission Process

The fellowship nomination packet should be submitted via email (in .pdf format) to AND in hard copy to the Assistantship/Fellowship office by the deadline date above. Packets received after the above deadline will be considered ineligible. Departments submitting multiple nomination packets should create a .pdf file for each individual nomination packet.

Required Application/Nomination Materials for the Graduate Dean’s Fellowship

The nomination materials are routed among members of an evaluation committee; therefore, each set of materials for each student should be complete in and of itself. Only nominees whose nomination materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed nomination dossier will include the following in the order listed below :

    1. Completed by the Department.
    1. Completed by the student or by the Department; please check to make sure data is   up‑to‑date.
    2. Department completes section “For Department Signature”.
    3. Indicate the specific award for which the student is being nominated.
    4. Provide signature of Department Chair or Director of Graduate Studies, date, and name of department making the nomination.
    5. Students cannot apply on their own. They must submit all documents to the department for nomination.
    1. Completed by the student.
    2. Two-page (maximum) award essay that must describe how the student’s personal or family background, life, cultural, and/or ethnic experiences could contribute to a more reflective, responsive environment in the program, the discipline, and in the larger academic community.
    1. Completed by the student.
    2. Three-page (maximum) personal statement indicating personal experiences, educational goals, and professional interests and how these items can contribute to a more reflective, responsive environment in the program, the discipline, and the larger university community. The statement should also address academic qualifications in regards to academic excellence which should include, but not be limited to the following: academics achievements, honors, awards, publications, and extracurricular activities.
    1. Completed by the student.
      1. Completed by the Department.
      2. Graduate Degree and GPA, if any.
      3. GRE/MAT/GMAT results (at least one test score is required).
      4. Departmental Ranking. The rankings of the nominee relative to all other fellowship nominees from the department. For example, a department might submit 5 fellowship nominees. In this case, it would state for each nominee that he or she was ‘1 of 5’ or ‘2 of 5’, etc.

    Define the reasons this student is being nominated and the basis for the department’s ranking. Include such factors as the academic quality of the program from which the student received his or her degrees, and information concerning any special accomplishments, which qualify him or her for a master’s‑level award. Also include any information supporting the student’s commitment to advanced study and a summary of any experience since being awarded the bachelor’s degree. PLEASE TYPE

    1. These should be from persons who are familiar with the nominee’s academic record and who are qualified to judge his or her promise for success in graduate studies. These letters may be copies of those already received in the department in support of the nominee’s application for admission to the program; however, it may be preferable to have new letters specifically written to support the fellowship nomination.
    2. These letters should refer to one or more of the following characteristics/skills: communication, creativity, explanation (a reason or cause for some phenomena or finding), motivation, planning, professionalism, and synthesis (those skills that facilitate the development of an expert domain of knowledge structures). The letters should accompany the nomination; they should not be sent separately to the Graduate School.
    1. Please attach AT LEAST ONE copy of official standardized test score.
      1. Acceptable standardized tests are: GRE, MAT, or GMAT.
      2. A missing standardized test score will result in automatic rejection of PROMPT
      3. Assistantship application.
    1. Please attach copies of official transcripts for ALL degree granting institutions.
      1. Transcripts from SIU can be unofficial.
      2. A missing transcript will result in automatic rejection of fellowship application.

Native American Scholarship

The former American Indian Association (AIA) of SIU offers scholarship awards. There is both an Undergraduate ($500) and a Graduate ($1,000) student award.

Recipients of the Native American Scholarship will receive the monetary award credited to their Bursar account for the following academic year. After the year is complete, recipients will need to submit a 1-page final report to the Fellowship Office stating what they did to accomplish their career goals or research and what the outcome was.

For more information on the Native American Scholarship, please visit:


Applicants are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Of Native American heritage
  • A full-time student
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0

Criteria for Awarding Scholarship

Native American Scholarship awards will be offered to those applicants who show the greatest promise for scholarly and professional achievement in their respective disciplines as determined by an evaluation panel. The following criteria will be employed as indices of promise:

  • Undergraduate Students
    1. Current grade point average.
    2. Strength of Career Goal Statement.
    3. Strength of letters of recommendation.
    4. Academic indicators of potential, other than grade point average, such as honors and awards.
  • Graduate Students
    1. Current grade point average.
    2. Strength of Career Goal Statement or Proposal for Planned Research.
    3. Strength of letters of recommendation.
    4. Academic indicators of potential, other than grade point average, such as honors, publications, and awards.

Application Procedure

Each applicant is responsible for submitting the Native American Scholarship Application form and all materials listed on it by the deadline date. Application materials may be submitted in digital (PDF only) or print form. Late or incomplete applications will be disqualified from consideration.

Only applicants whose materials are complete will be considered in the competition. A completed application will include the following:

  • Undergraduate Students
    1. Native American Scholarship Application
    2. Current Academic Transcript
    3. Career Goal Statement
    4. Two (2) letters of recommendation
  • Graduate Students
    1. Native American Scholarship Application
    2. Current Academic Transcript
    3. Curriculum Vitae
    4. Career Goal Statement or Proposal for Planned Research
    5. Two (2) letters of recommendation (one from the applicant’s major professor and another from faculty/persons who are familiar with the applicant’s plan of study)



The Federal Government, the States, and Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU) have invested large sums of money to provide financially needy students the opportunity to obtain a post-secondary education. Financial aid recipients are responsible for using the funds provided in an acceptable manner. Therefore, a graduate student who wishes to benefit from the receipt of financial aid funds must maintain “satisfactory progress” as defined in this policy.


The U.S. Department of Education Student Financial Aid regulations (34 CFR 668) require that institutions of higher education establish and mainstay reasonable standards to measure whether students applying for financial aid are making satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion. A student who does not meet these standards is not eligible to receive federally funded financial aid. In most instances, SIU shall make these standards applicable to all state and institutional aid programs for maintaining a consistent and reasonable financial aid policy. However, nothing in this policy shall be construed as a reduction of external requirements by other federal, state, public, or private agencies when they award or control financial aid. Non-declared graduate students are only eligible to be considered for a Federal Direct Stafford Loan during one twelve-month period while preparing for admission into a graduate degree program.

Satisfactory Progress Standards

SIU requires that graduate students must be making “satisfactory progress” toward a degree if he or she wishes to receive financial aid funds. A graduate student is making “satisfactory progress” toward a graduate degree by successfully meeting each of three academic standards:

  1. Minimum SIU Percentage of the Cumulative Attempted Credit Hours that must be completed: A graduate student is expected to have completed a minimum of 67% of the cumulative attempted credit hours at SIU.
  2. Maximum Credit Hours Attempted: A graduate student enrolled in a program leading to a Master’s degree is expected to complete the degree before accumulating seventy-five (75) credit hours attempted including both SIU and accepted transfer credit hours. A graduate student enrolled in a program leading to a Master’s of Fine Arts degree is expected to complete the degree before accumulating ninety (90) credit hours attempted including both SIU and accepted transfer credit hours. A graduate student enrolled in a program leading to a Doctoral degree is expected to complete the degree before accumulating one hundred (100) credit hours attempted including both SIU and accepted transfer credit hours.
  3. Minimum Grade Point Average: A graduate student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at the end of each spring semester and be following the University’s policy concerning academic standing, grades, and grade point average as defined under the topic “retention” and all other provisions in the current Graduate Catalog. A graduate student who is academically suspended from the Graduate School is not making satisfactory progress.

The academic records of all aid recipients will be reviewed annually at the end of the spring semester to determine continued financial aid eligibility. A graduate student who does not meet any one of the three standards set forth above is not maintaining “satisfactory progress” toward a degree and will be determined ineligible for financial aid.

Notification of Status

It shall be the responsibility of the Graduate School to publish this policy and to notify by letter any graduate student who is no longer eligible to receive financial aid funds. Said notice shall be addressed to the student’s most current permanent address on file with the University. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO INFORM THE UNIVERSITY OF A CORRECT PERMANENT ADDRESS AT ALL TIMES.


Graduate students will have their eligibility to receive financial aid reinstated after having reached the level of satisfactory progress required of them by this policy. They may achieve this status by receiving passing grades for courses previously incomplete or incorrectly recorded as withdrawals or failing grades and/or earnings sufficiently more than the required percentage of completed hours.


Any graduate student shall have the opportunity to appeal, in writing, to explain “mitigating circumstances”. The appeal should be sent to the Graduate School, with the endorsement of the student’s academic program, within 30 days of the notice of termination. The Graduate School will review the “mitigating circumstances” documented in the appeal of both the student and the academic unit and provide a written decision within 20 days after the receipt of the appeal. The Graduate School will provide written notification to the Financial Aid Office concerning all graduate students who have been granted an exception for mitigating circumstances.

The policies and procedures may be found at

For more information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress, visit the Financial Aid Office’s webpage at

Appeals Procedure

Any graduate student unable to receive financial aid due to not meeting any one of the three Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements shall have the opportunity to appeal, in writing, to explain, “mitigating circumstances”.

To appeal, the graduate student must arrange for two emails to be sent to the Graduate School at

  1. An email from the graduate student seeking the appeal detailing the “mitigating circumstances”. The email must also include the graduate student’s DAWG Tag and the semester(s) they are seeking financial aid.
  2. An email from the graduate student’s academic unit verifying the graduate student’s “mitigating circumstances”. The email must also include an estimate of when the graduate student will complete his/her degree and a plan, which details how the graduate student will complete his/her degree in the time estimated.
  3. A student who wish to appeal must have all documentation to the Graduate Assistantship Fellowship Office by the deadline dates located on the Graduate School website.

Allow Ample Time for Review

Your appeal will be reviewed within 10 working days of the date you submit all required documentation to the Graduate Assistantship Fellowship Office. You will be sent a written notification as to the decision of your appeal. Failure to provide enough information or documentation will result in denial or delay of your appeal. Students will have the option of attending/enrolling in classes when an appeal is necessary. However, financial aid eligibility will not be calculated and released unless the appeal is approved.

The Graduate School will review the mitigating circumstances documented in the appeal of both the student and the academic unit. The Graduate School then will provide written notification to the Financial Aid Office concerning all graduate students who have been granted an exception for mitigating circumstances.

Graduate students unable to receive federal financial aid funds due to not meeting any one of the three minimum requirements can appeal to explain “mitigating circumstances”. The appeals process may be found at